Tuesday, December 31, 2024


This is the ongoing, introductory cover page. Know that this blog is pretty much inactive, but you can explore the archive to read the profound or crazy stuff I had written in the past. Once in a blue moon, I might add something new. And I promise that you will find no boring stories about my cats, mainly because I have no cats. If you have any questions, be sure to consult the FAQ. If you have any comments, this is the place to make them. I do read the comments. And, yes, the story about Alison Kaylee is fiction.

If you want to see my most recent post, just click on the "Older Posts" link below.

Never Before So Much

  1. Never before have so many unhinged people with too much to say had so much access to so much bandwidth.
  2. So much depends on the speed at which one types.
  3. So much depends on that red wagon in the front yard.
  4. So much depends on the World Economic Forum.
  5. Never before was sleep texting a somnambulist malady.
  6. So much depends on the United States not defaulting on its debt.
  7. So much depends on the water heater.
  8. Never before have so many private obessions acquired such cosmic dimensions.
  9. So much depends on the circus.
  10. So much depends on American taxpayers.
  11. Never before has so much bandwidth been given over to TikTok.
  12. So much depends on commentary from David French.
  13. So much depends on the wardrobe not malfunctioning.
  14. Never before has so much depended on urinal cakes.
  15. More than anything we need dependable fog machines.
  16. Those who do not learn from history will simply rewrite it.
  17. Profound silence is sometimes the only righteous response.
  18. Never before has so much depended upon one’s platform.
  19. Where would we be without manatees?
  20. Everything depends on Starbucks.